Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dumbbell Routine

I found this dumbbell routine by John Grimek recently, it came out of the May, 1940 issue of Strength and health magazine. It looks pretty good, I am changing the two hands dumbbell snatch to a one hand dumbbell snatch, but other then that I am using this routine as it. 

1. Two Hands Dumbbell Snatch

2. Upright Dumbbell Row
3. Dumbbell Side-bend
4. Dumbbell Shrug
5. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
6. One-hand Dumbbell Swing

God Almighty

Give glory to God for he is worthy
oh praise His name for He is Holy
declare His name among the nations
Almighty is He the Lord of Hosts
loudly proclaim His glorious works
marvelous are the works of His hand
infinite Father and the Lord of Heaven
God and King over all His creation
highest praises and honor belong to Him
together let us praise Him for He is God
Yahweh Lord God Almighty alone is God
- Scott Diesel